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Selected multimedia projects. 
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CERN, Fermilab & Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Event & promotion coordination 

Live: Particle pursuit, a journey of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment


Expanding America’s Underground Research Facility

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Script writing & narration


LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter collaboration announces first results

Berkeley Lab, Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Event coordination & promotion 


The broad physics program of the Majorana Demonstrator at SURF: Final results and new directions

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Event coordination & promotion 


LUX-ZEPLIN inner detector transported nearly a mile underground

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Script writing & narration


Searching for life deep underground at Sanford Lab

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Script writing & narration


The Solar Neutrino Problem with cosmologist Neta Bahcall

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Video direction & interviewing


2021 at the Sanford Underground
Research Facility

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Video direction 

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Dark Matter Day Q&A with LUX-ZEPLIN Researchers

LZ dark matter, Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Video direction & interviewing

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Deep Talks lecture series

Sanford Underground Research Facility

Role: Event coordination & promotion

©2019 by Erin Lorraine Woodward

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